finally bridge we go! Today we were all (me first), wishing to skedaddle. But to be seen to have worked until the last moment, here are some of the best work we've done this week in media culture.
idea was to create a movie poster for an imaginary film, helping the computer and Internet resources.
For starters, the film megafriki Kevin and Lucia (extend credit.) Kevin is a master of photoshop, and I say teacher in every sense, because he has cleared all doubts. Thanks.
idea was to create a movie poster for an imaginary film, helping the computer and Internet resources.

For starters, the film megafriki Kevin and Lucia (extend credit.) Kevin is a master of photoshop, and I say teacher in every sense, because he has cleared all doubts. Thanks.
Cristina and Monica, how well composed and professional, just want to see the film.
Raquel and Cristina did not know how to call his film, but I think they have hit with this mix of Alice in Wonderland and Final Fantasy. This very well advertised, and coordination between the two disparate images.
I love this sign because it is a boutade Sara and Natalia. Shows that there is no need to feel something to recreate it with credibility. The movie poster is romanticona, it lacks detail, but nothing is further from the lifestyle of the two. I'm sure who have laughed a lot doing it.
Reuben and Ania, are autores.No Needless to say it because it is in the lineup, using a very artistic photoshop filters.
Well, and now rest from hard work, which in turn have the test.
By the way, if someone wants to hire graphic designers, that you contact the institution Antonio Machado. Happy bridge!
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