seems that lately has become a recurrent source of inspiration. I mean values, biblical expressions and images that refer to religious iconography.
Although we are in an increasingly secular society, our collective unconscious has treated religious references, particularly Catholics, who are recognizable messages that take as inspiración.Las advertising agencies are well aware of the persistence of these roots, otherwise not used to build your ads.
also leverage a value of religion very interesting for them, the orders mandato.Dar is the specialty of any religion: what to do, where to go, when to do what, ie, obey. I think it has some similarities with the behavior expected of us in advertising.
Wrapped in an inviting Nicole Kidman takes the formula of the Commandment. Some out there would consider blasphemous, may not yet protested because they have not noticed. Future use is restricted in our language ("fear of tempting fate?). It sounds archaic and threatening. Care
use of hair color, the effect of Photoshop, a falsísimo lemon yellow, but it contributes to reinforce the message.
use of hair color, the effect of Photoshop, a falsísimo lemon yellow, but it contributes to reinforce the message.
An apple-shaped perfume, offered a tempting Eve. To strengthen the partnership, the perfume is DKNY. That is, besides the apple shape, metaphor-apple, forbidden fruit we associate with the Big Apple, Manhattan.
I have chosen this Dürer for iconographic reference. The image of the archetype of female beauty holds in his hand the temptation. But in this case to indicate the negative value of the fruit appears beside the XXI century Eva serpiente.Nuestra not intended to prevent the tentacón, but fall into it. The text of the message is again an order. In English, that the audience it is aimed boasts cosmopolitan.
Our society obsessed with health, demand for products to be sold with a bonus of purity. In this case, a filtered water pitcher. The iconographic language refers to baptism, as the woman collects water with religious fervor, but also to the biblical story of the Manna. The miracle of the rain of food and drink on the hungry people is a call to the consumption of something we already have and pay for more expensive water.
have to look at the styling of the woman's hair and clothing. Could have acted and a Bible series.
And to finish with this picture, I do not forget it also has a fairly explicit sexual references, at least for twisted minds like mine.
have to look at the styling of the woman's hair and clothing. Could have acted and a Bible series.
And to finish with this picture, I do not forget it also has a fairly explicit sexual references, at least for twisted minds like mine.
And new technologies could not miss. In this case, besides the religious symbolism is very important culturally. The two fingers that are a step to communicate is an image that belongs to the package of artistic references, say, around the house. The Creation of Adam has long been recognized, mutilated, in these two hands, so it is not necessary to recreate the entire image. If Michelangelo's fresco symbolizes the origin of life, in the notice the phone inherits the power to "create" a stroke of your fingers.
Have not you always wanted a man to be like a god?
Have not you always wanted a man to be like a god?